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The pH Miracle for Weight Loss: Balance Your Body Chemistry, Achieve Your Ideal Weight

January 27, 2010 by admin  
Filed under Book

  • ISBN13: 9780446694704
  • Condition: NEW
  • Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.

Product DescriptionDESCRIPTION: Weight loss is not about fat; it’s about acid. So forget fat grams, cholesterol, carbs, and calories: reaching your ideal weight is simply a matter of maintaining the delicate pH balance of the blood. And wi. . . More >>

The pH Miracle for Weight Loss: Balance Your Body Chemistry, Achieve Your Ideal Weight

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5 Responses to “The pH Miracle for Weight Loss: Balance Your Body Chemistry, Achieve Your Ideal Weight”
  1. S. Hochman says:

    I have read this book and I do not agree with it. Certainly eating vegetables is a good way to go and will help you lose weight- no doubt about it!
    However, the author cites acid as the cause of all of our ills and diseases. Let us take a good look at that. Ascorbic Acid, you know Vitamin C, which is said to be the closest thing to cure the common cold. Guess what that is an acid.
    Linaus Pauling, a real doctor, not one that got his degree online at some school that he can not reveal, used to take up to 15,000 mgs a day of ascorbic acid (over 200 times what Centrum has). Did it kill him, no he lived into his nineties, over twenty years longer than the average man. So much for acid being bad.
    And the stomach what is that composed of? HCL, Hydrochloric acid, and if it did not, you would not be able to digest your food. Also that acid, destroys bad bacteria, parasites and yeast.
    In addition to this there are other acids which we need to survive on, such as Amino Acids, which are in every protein you eat. Also I am sure you heard of Essential Fatty Acids, Omega 3’s. Scientists will tell you they are some of the best things to eat, and are essential to the body. Still think acids are bad?
    The bottom line is the authors credentials are dubious at best, and he should have stuck to what is true in his book. That is that vegetables are the best thing for you and will help you lose weight and get healthier!
    Rating: 1 / 5

  2. MediaCritic says:

    If fat is an acid problem, why doesn’t vinegar make you fat? Perhaps because there are no calories in vinegar? The products behind the ph Miracle can only be sold by word of mouth and in your home on a table or shelf, sort of a shrine. Why? Why can’t you sell it on eBay or in your own health food store? Maybe because that would mean price competition, and at $80 a pound for some powdered veggies you can understand why competition is unwelcome.

    Beware when manipulative marketing organizations, no matter how many scholarly credentials they have, ask you to open your wallet for products or tests designed to confirm the need for the products. They’re trying to help you while helping themselves to your wallet. There are plenty of watchdog sites to explain the aggressive marketing tactics used by some MLM charlatans. Books such as “Combating Cult Mind Control” by Hassan, or “Dangerous Persuaders” by Samways, or Butterfield’s book on Amway . . . With any MLM, you should first ask HOW will I recover my initial sales kit investment? WHO will buy these products at these prices? Take it from a Long Distance Marketing vet who took a bath . . . MLM is set up for and by the people at the top of the pyramid who milk the profits. And if you encounter any alternative marketing strategies, like some warmly seductive member of the opposite sex who comes on to you in a major but false way – DON’T TAKE THE BAIT – YOU’RE BEING HARASSED – they won’t give you the time of day when you’re not BUYING something so report it to the company, the MLM marketing association, and any appropriate authorities. The public is not required to tolerate any form of harassment in sales, marketing, or employment situations. Complaining long and loud is the only way to put manipulative people where they belong. If you don’t, you too could end up feeling USED and PLAYED by the GREEDY motivations of manipulative people. And there is nothing moral about pulling people’s heartstrings to line your own pockets. Don’t let someone in a position of professional trust, when you are under their care, take advantage of a business relationship to play with your heart or your head. It is immoral and it should be stopped. I’m certain that Dr. Young and his fine company would never tolerate such behavior because of superior moral leadership. Beware, however, unscrupulous individuals within certain professions.

    Finally a word about weight loss. A nurse advised drinking ice water during the winter for weight loss to boost the metabolic rate and burn calories. In America we eat heavily all year round. In the summer we store fat when the heat reduces our metabolic rate, and in the winter we’re supposed to burn the stored fat to stay warm, but instead we keep eating and live in warm homes. Then we complain we’re fat.
    Rating: 1 / 5

  3. M. Huff says:

    I found this book to be just so much hype, another treatise on why we’re fat and why that’s bad. Just so much hoodoo and hoopla. I wished I’d saved my money and gone out to eat!
    Rating: 2 / 5

  4. I cannot believe how gullible I was to buy this book. It’s nothing but one long sales pitch to buy products from these two jokers. The authors recommend an initial liquid fast that would take you weeks to even prepare for and the last 1/2 of the book is dedicated to recipes with disgusting ingredients that require hours of preparation. A normal person with a family will not have time or money to buy all the organic food and prepare it to be eaten. There is little science in the book and the actual information only takes up less than 1/2 of the book. If you are a vegan or into organic, hard to prepare food then you will love this book. I’m returning it tomorrow.
    Rating: 1 / 5

  5. H. Belt says:

    They should have shown how long it was going to take to get the book better, but it came in good condition.
    Rating: 4 / 5

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