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Diet Tips – Food combining

December 15, 2009 by admin  
Filed under Diet Tips

Many people say that a diet with foods matching method is very easy to do because you do not need to bother to think about how many calories you intake into the body. In addition, body weight will naturally come down by itself  in accordance with the harmony. Well, what’s really food combining?

Food Combining basically is a diet that is harmonized with the natural mechanism of human body functions. With  this harmonization, the digestion job will be easier and more energy used efficiently. Food Combining Principle is not different with a healthy diet,  it is only adapted to the human digestive cycle. Because every function of the body has a biological clock  and rhythms that already remain fixed and systematic to work in cycles 24 hours every day. Cycles are divided into 3 periods, namely:

1. Digestion Cycle

This cycle lasts from 12:00 o’clock to 20:00 o’clock. This period is the right time for taking solid food because for 8 hours the body will actively work to digest food.

2. Absorption Cycle

This cycle lasts from at 20.00 – 04.00 o’clock, when the body begins to absorb. Most of the  food substances that have been digested already are distributed throughout the body. At this time the body must get enough sleep and you should not eat again so that energy in the  body is really used to divide the food and not to perform a particular activity or ingestion of food.

Do not forget, at this time your body also changed the damaged cells with new ones. If too much energy is spent on digesting food or doing other activities, the process of formation of new cells is no longer efficient. As a result, the body becomes tired, skin becomes dull, and even premature aging occurs.

3. Exile Cycles

This cycle is the last cycle, occurring between 04.00 till 12:00. At this moment the most out of energy. Therefore it would be nice if you do not eat solid food so you don’t waste your energy.  Drinking a glass of juice is enough in the morning. With that way, we have allowed the body to make the maximum work for your disposal.

In the third cycle, not only do you you have to consider to eat at the right time, but also you must think about the balance of acid and alkaline (pH value) in the the food that you eat. A little mistake on the combination of food, can make body’s digestive process disrupted.

Some examples of acid-forming foods are animal protein, fats and oils, dairy products, grains, peanuts, fermented foods, alcohol.
Whereas alkaline-forming foods are fruits, vegetables, boiled potato with skin, raw milk, soy, sprouts, nuts (except peanuts). If the combination of  your food is always balanced then the pH in your body will always be neutral.

Beside grouping the food into acid-base group, the food is also divided into 5 groups based on the contents of food, namely the substance of starch, protein, vegetables, neutral group, and fruits. All of these food groups can be eat together in the pattern of Food Combining, except the protein and starch substances should not be consumed together.

Fruit is also consumed itself in the morning because it is easily digested and does not require a large amount of energy. Furthermore, if you already consume protein, it should be accompanied by vegetables to neutralize. That is why, dieters are still able to enjoy a steak or chicken noodles. But remember, you must eat steak without potatoes and chicken noodles eaten without the chicken meat.

The following matching food composition:

1. Protein and Fat

Fat elements useful to slow digestion so that the protein had enough time to interact with stomach acid. Well, the protein itself actually contains fat, so adding more fat will actually be dangerous because it makes the protein last longer in the stomach. Suggested, Eat chicken, meat or fish that is grilled, baked, boiled or steamed. Similarly with the nuts.

2. Starch and fat

Carbohydrate starches also contain protein and little fat. So the combination of starch and fat is okay as long as fat is not added again. If we use fats in small quantities for a flavor enhancer, it is allowed. For example bread laced with a little butter.

3. Fat and acid

We can eat both fat and acid, however the fact must be in low levels  Acid, useful to dissolving fat. Enzymes to dissolved fat need acid pH. For example, a little lemon can dilute the fat so that fat is more easy to digest. Instead, adding acid to foods that contain high fat instead can cause the digestion pH  to become acid and then inhibit the digestive process. For example, after eating nuts trying to eat fruit that has a sour taste.

4. Sugar and acid

Examples of foods with these combinations is plain yogurt and pure natural honey, plain yogurt and sweet fruit, fruit acids and fruit sweet or sweet and sour sauce.

5. Starch and starch

Although eating rice and noodles are good combination according to the method of matching food, but it is recommended not to eat them in large quantities. Because the body’s ability to store starch is limited. The surplus will be stored in the body in form of fat.

6. Vegetable protein with Vegetable Proteins

Very good combinations because it only contains one type of vegetable protein. However, this combination is less complete, and must be equipped with other proteins. For example, rice with red bean cakes, soups with various grains.

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