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Weight Loss Tips – Lose fat around the abdomen

December 14, 2009 by admin  
Filed under Weight Loss Tips

Fat that accumulated around the abdomen, can damage your performance, and is also harmful to our health. If  you let it happen, fat around the stomach will produce compounds that can damage body tissue and increase the risk of heart problems.

A research done by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania had proven that  people with abdominal fat-free have cardiac risk 72% smaller and a stroke only 41%, compared to a fat belly owners. In the U.S., to eliminate fat in the abdominal area, many people do therapy injection of Human Growth Hormone (HGH). But this therapy is extremely painful, and the cost of injection therapy is also very expensive.

This condition encouraged experts from the university to find an alternative way to free a person from the fat around the abdomen. The way is easy, but more integrative.

Perform light weight training, at least 1 hour each week. This method is able to help you lose your weight as much 10 kg for 6 months. In this way, fat around the abdomen was burned.

Its better to have snacks such as popcorn. These foods have very low calories. One cup of popcorn contains just 30 mg of calories, if processed without using butter.

Small amounts of wine can also be beneficial. According to research that was conducted by scholars at the University of Buffalo, people who drink wine every day, have less abdominal fat than those who do not drink wine. The recommended amount is 120 ml a day. Wine in this dose is known to stimulate the body’s cells to become more sensitive to insulin, thus preventing the blood sugar into stored fat around the abdomen.

Combine the carbohydrates with proteins. In the book “The Cortisol Connection”, a nutrition expert, Shawn Talbott Ph.D. encourages you to have a few ounces of protein each time consuming carbohydrates. This is very powerful to reduce the production of cortisol in the body so that the process of storing fat around the abdomen can be minimized.

Stop counting calories and do not be too obsessive. Someone who is too worried about their weight has been proven to have higher cortisol levels than those who did not question their weight. Cortisol has been shown to stimulate fat in the stomach which increases appetite and makes your body metabolism slower.

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