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Diet Tips : 5 Unique Tricks To Lose Love Handles

March 28, 2010 by Matt Knox  
Filed under Diet Tips

Dispose of belly fat with these straightforward techniques.

1) Eat More Leafy Green vegetables To lessen the size of your love handles, you should eat more leafy green vegetables. Leafy vegetables don’t get completely broken down by the digestion process ; it essentially gets crushed into small segments that function as washing brushes. These brushes clean out your intestines ( very similar to a toothbrush ), giving your belly a flatter look and lessening the dimensions of your love handles.

2) Eat More Yogurt New research has shown the high quantity of calcium found in yogurt and actually block your body from storing fat in the belly region. This is an excellent tip since it at once is related to the belly fat that makes those love handles worse. Yogurt is a great snack that you may have between lunch and dinner, or even before you go to the gym for your workout.

3) Include more whole grains – Eating more whole grain foods can also decrease the appearance of your love handles. Foods that are high in fiber and have whole grains are often denser. This implies you’ve got to eat less of it to feel fuller. When you are fuller from eating less, you are less likely to over-eat. Also, fiber is also excellent for helping your body get rid of built up waste in your guts. If your intestines are less filled and bloated, your mid-section will look thinner.

4) Eat lots of fruit with the skin Just like veggies, the fruit and its skin act like small scrubbers which will clean your intestinal walls. If you do not know by now, all of those popular detoxification diets that are aimed at getting rid of belly fat are simply a diet composed of fruits, vegetables and masses of water. The entire principle of detox is to flush out your clogged guts. Adding fruit to your diet will give you that very same effect and it’ll definitely help you get shot of your love handles over a period.

5) Manage your levels of stress when you’re stressed your body releases a chemical called cortisol which actually encourages the storage of fat around your belly. To get round this, you can cut back your stress and the dimensions of your love handles by listening to calming music, exercising, or just getting some down time for yourself. Reduce your love handles by decreasing your stress.

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